Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Create a punch out in Photoshop Elements 9

The task of creating a punch out in Photoshop Elements 9 gave me such a headache today.  All I wanted to do was have a rainbow photo with cloud punch outs featuring another picture behind it.  Sometimes I wish Photoshop would just read my mind.  Why can't I just see it in the mind's eye and poof...transferred to digital format.  It would make design a million times faster!  I hope you find this quick tutorial before you pull out all of your hair trying to do the same thing. *smile

I would include steps with pictures, but I wanted to post this immediately before I forget.  Pictures later, I promise.

1. Create a new layer
2. Select the shape tool
3. Draw your shape
4. Simplify the shape layer
5. Select the shape using the quick selection tool
6. Once it is highlighted right-click inside the shape
7. Select "New Layer" and make sure to check the "use previous layer to create clipping mask"
8. Then move your photo into the shape and Viola!

* I like putting inverse shadows on the shapes to give them even more dimension.

Dr. Finn's Retirement Photo

Let me know if this tutorial helped you in the comment section below.

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